Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Whispers, Shouts, Taps, Shoves

Recently, Sam and I had the opportunity to attend a fundraising program for Plumstead Christian School in which the keynote speakers were Steven Curtis Chapman and Mary Beth Chapman.  It was a wonderful night of music, information, and encouragement.  It was also a great look into the community of PCS--it seems like a great school!

If you don't know, SCC and MBC are great supporters of international adoption, have 3 adoptive daughters (from China), and are founders of a program called Show Hope.  Show Hope provides aide to orphans, their families, and families pursuing adoption.  They also have Care Centers that provide medical care to orphans whose needs cannot be met in an orphanage.  You can learn more about Maria's Big House of Hope by clicking on the link.

When Sam and I started the adoption process that led to Wesley becoming a part of our family, there were many times and parts of the process in which we could hear and feel God.  He led us, 100% of the way, and provided for us and for Wesley.  When we received the phone call, it was like a giant shove from Him.

We've both felt a calling towards international adoption.  Some whispers along the way.  We were able to catch a glimpse of life for orphans in China during their presentation through footage and pictures collected from Maria's Big House of Hope. 

On one of the adoption videos that I watched, one of the speakers was describing the decision making process and he said that "it was like God was calling us to jump in a river and we don't know where we're going to end up".  I feel like that- we need to jump in and let Him steer us. 

This blog post has been written over the course of a few weeks and this morning I got a big kick in the pants.  I'm one of those people that over thinks things and lets the worries take over which, in some ways is good, and in others it becomes a hindrance. 

In church today, both of these passages were referenced: Isaiah 40 starting in verse 12 and on and Job 38-42ish. It was a great reminder of God's power and might.  He created the world and everything in it and even had a day to rest. Why am I questioning His plans, His ways?  He doesn't call us to an easy road or a straight path.  He calls us to the path that He has planned for us and to the one that will bring all glory to Him. 

I'm part of an adoption support group on Facebook that is full of other moms that, in some way, shape, or form, are part of the adoption journey.  I posted earlier this week for advice from those who have adopted in Central and/or South America.  One of the women gave me a great piece of advice- I need to put aside my self-centered (adoptive parent centered) view of adoption and think about what is best for the child.

Pray with us that throughout this new adoption journey we would be centered on the child that has been hand picked by God to be a part of our family.

Pray that my fears and worries will be lessened and that we will be able to hear God's whispers and shouts and feel His taps and shoves.

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