Thursday, June 5, 2014

Adoption is FINAL!!

1. October, 21, 2011
2. March 15, 2013
3. Thursday, Janurary 23, 2014
4. Friday, January 24, 2014
5. Sunday, January 26, 2014
6. Wednesday, February 26, 2014
7. Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What do all of these dates have in common???  Our journey down the road of infertility and adoption.

1. The date we first started working with Pennsylvania Reproductive Services for help with conceiving a child the natural way.
2. The date we started researching adoption as the option for making our family grow.
3. Wesley's birth date.
4. The date we received the phone call that changed our lives forever.
5. The day we brought Wes home with us.
6. The end of the 30 day mandatory waiting period in PA.  Before the 30 days were up, Wes' birth family had the opportunity to change their minds.
7. The day Wes' adoption was finalized.

Looking back at all of these events, looking back at posts and pictures on Facebook, looking back at all of the pins on Pinterest, I'm amazed.  God is so GOOD!

To finalize the adoption, Sam, Wes, and I along with our families, traveled to the Berks County Courthouse for the finalization hearing.  It was the first time I had set foot in a court room.  The entire hearing lasted about 15 minutes.  Sam and I introduced our families (we had a large entourage) and then were sworn in.  Yes, we placed our hand on the Bible, raised our other hand, and agreed to not lie in court. 

Our adoption lawyer asked questions of both of us separately while the court stenographer took notes.  Sam took the stand first, with Wes, and then I followed.  My job was to basically reiterate what Sam said and answer any additional questions.  Our judge's name was Judge Grimm.  He was anything but grim and is an adoptive dad himself.  The hearing flew by, there was no air conditioning, and I wore the most uncomfortable shoes...why do I always do that???  When it was all over, we took pictures with the judge.  I stupidly forgot my camera.  And then went out to eat and celebrate!

Thank you so much for all of the prayer requests along the way.  We are thrilled to be new parents and to watch Wesley grow and develop into a handsome little boy.