Sunday, November 3, 2013

Adoption is: A Leap of Faith

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with a group of lovely ladies from my church for a One-Day Women's Retreat.  Our speaker, Cindy Foor, captured the meaning behind taking "A Leap of Faith".  Throughout the day, we focused on the "Hall of Faith" Hebrews 11 and a few of the people/families mentioned in that scripture.  She highlighted Abraham's leap of faith as he prepared his one and only son, Isaac, as a sacrifice.  We studied Rahab, the prostitute's, leap of faith as she hid spies in her house in Jericho and made a deal with the spies to protect her family.  We also looked at the story of David and Goliath and David's complete and firm faith in the Lord as he defeated Goliath with only a stone and a slingshot.  In all of these stories, the peoples' focus is solely on Christ.  As they made their leaps of faith, they faced their giants, dealt with baggage that was in their past, and through out the race they ran, their eyes were fixed upon Jesus.

Throughout the conference, my thoughts continually returned to the adoption process.  Adoption is a leap of faith.  The first verse in that "Hall of Faith" chapter says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see".  There are a lot of things we cannot see when going through adoption: when it happens, where our baby comes from, whether it will be healthy or not, how we can possibly afford it.  Those are our Goliath's.  Faith is taking God at his word.  As we leap off that cliff, wall, sidewalk, we don't know how the landing is going to go, only that God will take care of us and provide us with what He knows we need.  As we run the race, our eyes should be fixed upon Him, our trust in Him alone.  This is not an easy thing for a Type-A, list making, plan developing, need to see the final result type of person (

November is National Adoption Month.  Please consider taking a leap of faith with us.  If you've been thinking about adoption, DO IT!  If adoption is near and dear to your heart, consider donating time, money, or your prayers to a local, national, or international adoption agency.  There are so many (agencies and orphans) out there.

Prayer Requests:
  • Pray for all of the public/private adoption agencies out there working to find homes for orphans all over the world.
  • Pray for all of the families working through the adoption process.
  • Pray for us as we "face our giants" in the coming months: joining the networking program, coming up with the rest of the money, and matching with a birth family.
Before you leave--take a look at our fundraising page for an update!

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