Tuesday, August 4, 2015

God Always Has An End Reason That We Don't See

We are at my parents' house...Wes in napping on the family room floor...I'm sitting in the kitchen with my parents prepping for a family dinner...Sam is on his way to their house with Remi.

When life events happen, it's amazing the details that we remember around those events.  Sam and I received the following email last night:

Hi Steph and Sam,
Just wanted to let you know that we received your application and everything looks great!  We will email the contract agreement packet by tomorrow.  If you have any questions when you receive it, please do not hesitate to ask!  Welcome to the Living Hope family!
Sarah H. Hansen, MSW
Adoption Director

What followed were two more emails with a LARGE amount of paperwork to be filled out, signed, and notarized. 

If you had asked me when Sam and I had gotten married where I thought we would be 5 years later, I wouldn't have answered with "fighting through infertility issues while trying to grow our family".  I'm pretty sure each year, my answer would have been different based upon the stage of life, events, experiences that framed that specific point in time.

There are so many events, people, things, experiences that mold us into who we are, form our actions or reactions, shape our temperaments/disposition.  The thing to remember within all of this "stuff" that's happening, is that God's in control- (He knows the words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters.  The beginning, middle, and ending of our book)- and I don't have to be. 

Isaiah 64:8 "Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."

I think I can speak for Sam in saying we are so very excited to be a part of the Living Hope family!  Bring on the paperwork!!

Please remember to check out our prayer requests page and our fundraising page! Some exciting stuff is happening!

1 comment:

  1. And the LHAA family is thrilled to have you :) Can't wait to follow along!
