Overwhelming—submerge, engulf, deluge, flood, inundate,
overcome, dumbfound, steamroll, clobber, bowl over, floor
Gratitude— gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation,
indebtedness, acknowledgement, credit
In this month of November, many of us are counting
blessings, keeping thankfulness journals, or realizing all of the many little
things that come together into larger reasons for us to be thankful.
We have many things to be thankful for, both big and
small. For the purpose of this blog
post, I want to focus on two.
- The gift of life.
Our son, Wesley, and our daughter,
Jiao, are two of our most important blessings.
They are our blessings because their birth families chose the gift of
life for them. Their decision, though
riddled with struggle and maybe even bitterness and a whole lot of bravery and
sacrifice, gave us the opportunity to love on these two little souls and
provide for them a life full of their own blessings.
While you may not be called to
adopt a child or to be a foster parent, there are so many blessings you can
provide to families and children in need.
Over these next few months, I challenge you to do something—however big
or small—to bless a child or a family in need.
I’ve listed some resources below that are local, national, or
Manna on Main Street- http://mannaonmain.org/
Other local soup kitchens and food pantries- http://www.cadcom.org/Montgomery-County-Cupboard-List/58/#northpenn
Cradles to Crayons- https://cradlestocrayons.org/
AdoptUSKids- http://www.adoptuskids.org/adoption-and-foster-care/overview/ways-to-help
Morningstar Maternity Home- http://www.morningstarmaternityhome.org/
Catholic Social Services- http://cssphiladelphia.org/catholic-social-services-volunteers/
Bethany Christian Services- http://impregnant.bethany.org/pregnancy-help
A Baby’s Breath- http://www.ababysbreath.org/services/methods_to.html
Christ’s Home for Children- http://www.christshome.org/
Compassion International- http://www.compassion.com/how-we-work/child-sponsorship.htm
World Vision- https://www.worldvision.org/
Other local soup kitchens and food pantries- http://www.cadcom.org/Montgomery-County-Cupboard-List/58/#northpenn
Cradles to Crayons- https://cradlestocrayons.org/
AdoptUSKids- http://www.adoptuskids.org/adoption-and-foster-care/overview/ways-to-help
Morningstar Maternity Home- http://www.morningstarmaternityhome.org/
Catholic Social Services- http://cssphiladelphia.org/catholic-social-services-volunteers/
Bethany Christian Services- http://impregnant.bethany.org/pregnancy-help
A Baby’s Breath- http://www.ababysbreath.org/services/methods_to.html
Christ’s Home for Children- http://www.christshome.org/
Compassion International- http://www.compassion.com/how-we-work/child-sponsorship.htm
World Vision- https://www.worldvision.org/
- We are grateful for YOU!!!!
In the months of September,
October, and November, we’ve been fundraising pretty heavily in order to raise
money and bring our daughter, Jiao, home.
Because of those efforts, we have the funds to cover our dossier
submission fees, our LOA submission, travel visa fees, two more agency fees,
and part of our travel fees. THIS IS
HUGE!!! We now have just about $15,000
left to save for the remainder of the fees.
In the coming weeks we will be applying for grants to help offset these
monetary challenges.
While your help financially is
certainly making this adoption journey smoother and easier, we are most
thankful for you. Between our bio
families, our church families, our work families, our friends, and even acquaintances,
you’ve surrounded us and lifted us up in prayer and have provided a village of
support and love. No matter where we go
in our village, we know that Wes and Jiao will be loved and accepted. That is bigger than any amount of financial
support in the world.
At this point in time, we’ve submitted our I800A application
and will be collecting and updating documents to submit for our dossier. Your prayers continue to be needed both here
and abroad. We wish we could share pictures of Jiao with you (if you see one of us—please ask! They’re on our phones.) but she’s
technically/legally not ours YET!!!
Thank you for your love and your support.